Sunday, November 29, 2009

He doesn't get you're human like I do.

This is possibly the most humorous thing I have ever seen. I mean come on, "But he sparkles, and I'm so hairy"? Classic. And I don't even really like Twilight. Or Taylor Swift. Speaking of which, this is so fitting considering that Taylor Lautner is dating Taylor Swift. No one knows celebrity gossip like I do.


Karen said...

Now I don't need to go see the movie. I've seen all the important scenes. Also, I don't like Edward, and I like to make up my own ending where Bella never sees Edward again and is married to Jacob.

Karen said...

Or maybe I just want someone even better to come along for Jacob. (Not a weird vampire baby) Bella is pretty lame much of the time.

Melissa The Beautiful said...

This gets more hilarious every time I watch it.

And Taylor is adorable...I want to bring him home and feed him a cookie.

t r a c i said...

i love all of the characters in twilight and new moon and this song is very deep. jacob is hairy and edward does sparkle, emily! i cant believe you would mock such beauty

Meagan the Great said...

I have Jacob poster! I love the remake it's Great!

Meagan the Great said...

I love K9's have my whole life.

Shelly said...

LOL! One of the best videos I've seen Emily! Can't wait to show Farah, she is a HUGE "Twilight" fan. And, very team Edward!