Monday, June 29, 2009

I'll be the one to show you the way.

Have we discussed my absolute and undying love for "Kings of Leon"? Favorite of all bands second only to "Arcade Fire"? And even then, only on some days? It began with ''Because of the Times'', their third album, as it were. The first song I ever heard was ''Knocked Up''. Yes, the very song that features such lyrical gems as "always mad and usually drunk, but I love her like no other". And then along came ''Charmer'' and I hated "Charmer" reigns supreme. It was one of my eighteen things. Meagan and I sing it at the top of our lungs all the time. That is the thing with "Kings of Leon", they grow on you. Listen to them long enough and hate turns to love. Bad things turn to good things. The true love way. Which is why this bow wearing, badmitton playing, snow cone eating fiend loves this:

(Also, I think they are all sort of adorable)

Oh, and I have problems with drinking milk and I am the one who always complains. Not that this is something to brag about, or anything.

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