Saturday, January 23, 2010

Distant dark places.

The power went out last night. And it was dark. The kind of dark where you cannot see a thing. Not your hand right in front of your face. That had never actually happened to me before. This kind of darkness. It was sort of spectacular.

Until I decided to brush my teeth before I went to bed. As soon as I walked into my bathroom with my dim little flashlight in hand and glanced into the mirror I became thoroughly freaked out. There is something fairly eerie about looking in the mirror in the mostly dark. Especially if you have played "Bloody Mary" at some point in your past.

So I made my sister, Meagan, stand in the bathroom with me whilst I polished my million dollar smile.

So I am a bit pathetic. And I am afraid of everything. And yet, still insanely awesome. And consistent.


Lindsay said...

In history we learned all about Bloody Mary, how she killed off all the Protestants to re-install the Catholic Church in England. What a slut!

Amy Hunter said...

And, you consistently make my million dollar smile smile. Maybe the little squirrel that died was there to protect you, in spirit, as well.