Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This is not a democracy, this is a happy dictatorship.

I got this precious gem from my father, thanks dad.

Anyway, the Brown Couch votes have been tallied. Alas and alack it appears that the general (limited) public believes that Devin will be the first to marry and therefore claim the brown couch. Whatever. Clearly, the public is flawed. Obviously, I will win. With my charm and good looks how could I not?

But there is just one question that was on my mind throughout this Brown Couch poll extravaganza: Who in the world is voting for Devin?


Not that I don't love Devin. I do. He is a cool-cat like unto myself. But, seriously?

So Devin-voters it is time to come clean. Please enlighten me on why you voted for Devin. Doing so will help decrease your shame, though it can never be entirely erased.


~jan said...

I voted for Devin. Sorry! I just believe he will be the favorite child upon returning from his mission, not that he will be first to marry - because that will totally be Melissa. Sorry again, for being a former ward Stalker.
-Amanda's Mom - jan

Jeff said...

I voted for Melissa because she is the eldest child and therefore is entitled to her birthright as the oldest child. If she chooses to relenquish her rights than you and Devin can duel to the finish over the brown couch. You know, your mom and I used to sit on that couch when we were teenagers and in like with one another!

Amanda said...

I voted for melissa too! As a first born myself, i cant lie that there are special perks to being the eldest. That means dibs on cool stuff...like that couch. It really doesnt matter who is married first. Sorry em!

Jeff said...

Did I say that about the democracy??? Yeah, I probably did. And I said it this past week too in one of my classes when someone was breaking the "NO WHINING" rule. I love to say it with a big smile!

bonny with a Y said...

i abstained.

Shelly said...

I let Falyn vote- I don't know if her vote should count since she doesn't have a Blog LOL! She voted for Devin, because she said, that's what RM's do... GET MARRIED 6-12 months after they come home! Wow, is that true???? ;)