Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Expect the unexpected.

A couple unexpected things happened this week.

1) I found this girl duct taped to a tree. Apparently it was her birthday. And her birthday wish was to be duct taped to something. So, um, take that as you will.

2) I discovered one of Devin's mission companions in my family home evening group.

Ex-companion: I went on a mission in Mexico.
Me: Hey, my brother is on a mission in Mexico.
Ex-c: Oh yeah? What mission?
Me: Cuernavaca.
Ex-c: That's where I served! What's his name?
Me: Devin Roberts.
Ex-c: Seriously!? He was my companion!
...And it builds. Awesome.

3) My friend, Kim, got hit by a car. Way unexpected. I mean, she's okay and all, but still. She was riding her bike home and this crazy mowed her down. Destroyed her phone and her bike. And then left her lying in the street. This one's for you Melissa...

She was hit by an old lady with a handicap tag!


jessie said...

Emily you crack me up! I love this blog for some reason. A lot.

Melissa The Beautiful said...

3 Things...
1.That was her birthday wish? Out of all the things she could do. I am just so confused. Though it is an awesome picture.

2. It's A Small World After All

3. Why am I not surprised? WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?

Rachel Clark said...

OKAY can i just tell you Emily...i got HIT BY A CAR TOO in Rexburg...mine of course was a loud group of girls from Texas. Figures. Am i being a little stereotypical? YES! COME ON LADIES get it together and watch out for the peds.

Lindsay said...

hahaha eppiiiccc

Karen said...

Wow. Such happenings in the college town.

It is cool about Devin's companion.

Heather said...

Hit and run by an oldie....nice!