Sunday, June 20, 2010

We were sparkling.

The park, the park. There is, perhaps, nothing I like more than a park. Any park. Seriously.

I love the swings.

I love the grass.

I love the people I meet at the park.

I love the purple dinosaurs that reside in the best parks.

I love that I recently discovered a carousel at the park down the street from my apartment. A carousel.

Anyway. Tori and I frequent said park and sometimes we like to take pictures. (Also I got my hair cut but you can't actually tell from these pictures.)

I also enjoy the movie Barefoot in the Park. Robert Redford is such a babe.


Shelly said...

Miss. Emily... did you burn yourself with a curling iron? ;)

Karen said...

wavy hair? Did you loose your straightener?
You look good. Not that you don't usually, because you do.

Melissa The Beautiful said...

Curly hair? Oh goodness. I also love the purple dinosaur...and have you ridden this said carousel?

There is one on the Mall in DC, which I discovered in my last week that interns can ride for a dollar. So of course Rachel and I did.

And you know of my love for Robert Redford.