Saturday, February 28, 2009

Be careful what you wish for...

This movie(Coraline) was quite great. Actually, it was quite amazing, being the first hand-made film in 3-D. I watched all the "making of Coraline" mini movies and they have someone who knits all the little sweaters and such. Which is pretty crazy, if I do say so myself, which of course I do. Plus there are loads of other random tid-bits also pertaining to the making of.Also, I like Neil Gaiman a lot...a lot. So you sould probably go see it...and even more probably read the book. Oh, and the movie has some really good music, including a kind of haunting/creepy children's choir. Because I know that's a huge pull.


Karen said...

I do want to see it.

And I can name the movie from the sidebar quote.

But I won't ruin it for others

Melissa The Beautiful said...

I should probably go see it, even though I remember being terribly disturbed reading the book.

I want to learn how to make mini sweaters.